Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the night watches!
Pour out your heart like water before the presence of the Lord!
Lift your hands to him for the lives of your children, who faint for hunger at the head of every street.

Lamentations 2:19 ESV

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Giver

Recently, while having fun investigating my ancestry, I learned one in my father's family, Scotland-born William Morris, accidentally arrived in the US as a teenager—while he was taking a curious look-see of a ship, it left Liverpool, England. By the time he was discovered 2 hours later, it was too late to turn around. On arrival in the colonies, a family took him in, cared for him and provided for his education. His parents were contacted, but the decision was made for him to stay. And this was the result:

Historical Marker
This marker at Virginia’s Chapel, “The Little Brick Church,” located in Cedar Grove, WV, says: In Honor and Memory of William Morris, 1722 – 1792, Founder and Defender of Fort Morris, The first Fort built on the great Kanawha River in 1774 near this site and school house and made the first permanent white settlement in the great Kanawha Valley and of his wife Elizabeth Stipps, 1729-1795, This tablet erected by the William Morris Chapter DAR 1927. (His wife was actually Elizabeth Stepp.)
I also found this:

Historical Marker
Was it really an "accident" due to teenage curiosity? Nothing in this Universe can be considered so if our God is really GOD.

Let that be our thinking when we face trials. Isaiah 40 reminds us that our Lord knows everything there is to know about us. Not one thing is hidden. And not one thing is out of His control.

As my great-great-great-great-great-great (I think I counted correctly) grandfather acknowledged in his will, God is The Giver. He is our Giver.

He gives power to the weak and strength to those who have no might. And, it is His desire is to give us abundant life now. (John 10:10)

Father, I pray we would embrace the life You give and experience abundance. We wait on You for renewed strength to soar with wings like eagles, to run and not be weary, and to walk and not faint. Thank You. In the Name of the Giver, Jesus, amen.