Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the night watches!
Pour out your heart like water before the presence of the Lord!
Lift your hands to him for the lives of your children, who faint for hunger at the head of every street.

Lamentations 2:19 ESV

My Precepts Story

Several years ago, I happened to sit beside a couple during church service who were newcomers just as I was. They’d moved north from the San Diego area. The wife didn’t waste much time—she invited me to join her new Precepts Bible study group she had started. She’d been a Precepts leader for many years. I was a bit hesitant. I’d heard it was a lot of “work”—marking words with colors and symbols, etc. And being a first born who wanted to do things “right,” I wasn’t sure I could handle all the decisions. Silly, but true. But, I’d been out of Bible Study Fellowship for several years and was missing my former church’s Beth Moore Bible study group, so I gave in and said “yes.”

Right off, I decided to “let go” and not have to try to do all the marking perfect. That certainly wasn’t the point!
Doing inductive study as Precepts teaches is not easy, but it is so worth it! I do not regret one bit my “yes.” I’ve done several studies now. And there’s just something about the process of inductive study that slows you down to a crawl and makes you stop to think about the Word in a deeper manner that carries more weight with your soul. I will forever be grateful for my friend’s invitation and her encouragement as she led our group.
My friend moved back to California a few years ago, so I took over leading our group after taking some online training. Our group did the first two parts of the Revelation study the 2016-2017 school year. All I can say is that I’ve never gained so much from just reading the book or from any other study as I did that year. And I have read through the Bible, for familiarity, now yearly for many years.
Any Bible study will draw you closer to the Lord if you take His Word and apply it to your life. But, I find that Precepts does that in such a way that the Word of God is actually teaching you Himself.

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