In the book, “Leadership Essentials for Women,” Debbie Lloyd
is the author of chapter three, “Time Management Essentials.” Early in the chapter, she
wrote, “…time management is life management, discerning priorities, having the
right perspective, claiming responsibility for our time, accepting interruptions
as opportunities, learning when to delegate and when to say no, and feeling
good about the choices we have made.” She goes on to write, “When we master our
time, we master our lives.” And then she gives the example of Jesus and His
control of time.
She wrote that Jesus understood His mission and He “measured
His use of time against that,” making intentional choices to invest “prime
time.” She summed it up, writing, “Jesus practiced the principle: where your
priorities are, there your time will be.”
Scripture tells us to use our time with wisdom and
diligence. (Ephesians 5:15-16) Jesus had an attitude of Kingdom priorities and
so should we as His followers.
Debbie Lloyd wrote that we’ll have a better job of redeeming
[our] time if we simplify our life and get organized— “getting organized
ultimately takes less time and energy” and helps you “find more time for the
important things in life.” She’s right on. Simplifying your life helps you move
with more freedom.
Our calling from God, and we all have one, is important or
God wouldn’t have given it to us. I just was thinking of this when I read Acts
26:14 recently. Jesus had a calling on Paul’s life. Think about how Paul
described himself as being highly educated in God’s Word. It seems there’s a
sense of a battle that went on in his soul. And Christ called him on it— “It is
hard for you to kick [repeatedly] against the goads”—what a farmer used to keep
an ox going in the right direction— “[offering pointless resistance].” (AMP)
Jesus told him, “Get up and stand on your feet” and gave Paul his calling.
That’s what each one of us as the Lord’s followers need to
do, especially in these days. You and I need to get up and stand on our feet.
We need to take our calling seriously. The times are changing fast—we are
seeing our culture and the world sliding faster and faster uncontrolled down
the slippery slope to the crash at the end.
Our Lord could return any moment. Let’s be found faithful.
Listen, stay alert, stand tall in the faith, be courageous, and be
1 Corinthians 16:13
(The Voice)