Are you a mom who believes God? Are you a mom that believes
He is still working?
That’s a decision we must lean into moment by moment in
this troubled world. That’s because as moms, we are the “gone befores” our kids
are learning from. Lee wrote, “You and I must call out the bold Christ
followers within our children and help them face the unknown future with divine
confidence.” But as Lee points out, that bold confident trust begins with us
moms: “Brave kids need brave moms.”
So, when you rise up in the morning, you must repeat that decision.
Voice it to the Lord, “I choose to believe You are alive and working. You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Give me
courageous faith today to walk it out.” That means, no matter what the world says,
i.e. “Did God actually say…?”, you choose to believe God. That means, you choose
to believe His standards are good and not to be redefined. That means, as Lee wrote,
“God says if we give Him our choices and trust Him, we will find freedom.” And
that applies to every “Did God actually say…?” the world throws at you. If you stand
firm, brave mom, your children have you to emulate to become brave kids who
will stand firm.
Lee Nienhuis is one brave mom raising brave kids. As I read
her book, she shared story after story from her life, each revealing she is a mom who truly believes and lives
what she wrote. She believes that her identity is in Christ and she rests in
that unshakable identity. That’s what makes her able to stand firm in this
questioning world.
That, my friends, is what will make you and me and our children also be unshakable in
this world which is increasing the pressure on those who believe “God did
actually say…” That’s what will keep us
seeking to please Him above all. The world’s increasing pressures come at us
everywhere we turn. They are invading our schools, our workplaces, our clubs,
our social media, and even our own homes and churches. They are so deceptive,
as they are meant to be, that they can easily cause us or our children to
question “Did God actually say…?” And that questioning will feed into the enemy’s
strategy, which is, as Lee puts it, “weak moms growing weak kids.”
But, we can fight
back. We can become “powerhouses.” We and our kids can choose to believe God.
Lee writes:
Belief finds its footing when we choose to act on what we believe is
true. …The terrific news is that God has a strategy as well and it is infinitely
more powerful: free moms raising free kids. This is tied up in our knowing the
truth, however. “You will know the truth, and the truth will set your free”
(John 8:32).
To be a powerhouse for the Kingdom takes knowing, believing,
and acting on the Truth. That’s my desire for my children as well as for myself
in this shaking world. I echo Lee’s prayer—that Christ would be made much of as
we choose to take this brave journey together.
Moms, “Brave Moms, Brave Kids” is indeed a battle plan for
raising heroes, and it’s so needed for such a time as this! I recommend that
you get your copy of “Brave Moms, Brave Kids” on order as soon as possible so
you don’t have to wait for a back order. This equipping tool will help you get
your brave on! And if you’re a grandmom, gift a copy to your daughter or
daughter-in-law. No need to wait for Mother’s Day. Moms need to strong and
brave now!
Lee is a passionate Bible teacher, a popular conference
speaker, and a Moms in Prayer area coordinator. I love her sense of humor that
comes from her life experiences and how her love for the Lord keeps her in His
living Word. Lee and her farmer-husband, Mike, live on four acres of grass in
Michigan where they are raising four brave kids. Click here to read more about
Lee Nienhuis.
Click here for a link to Lee Nienhuis’ website to purchase
her book.