Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the night watches!
Pour out your heart like water before the presence of the Lord!
Lift your hands to him for the lives of your children, who faint for hunger at the head of every street.

Lamentations 2:19 ESV

Friday, June 14, 2013

Shadow of His Wings

Years ago, when my son was a toddler, my aunt and uncle gave us some bantam chickens. We had a large garden beside our garage at the back of the property for them to enjoy, which they did. Once when I was weeding the corn, mama chicken was following me with her little ones. I'd weed around one short stalk and then move to the next. But, when I would turn around, the stalk would be laying on the ground. I'd set it back upright and continue. This repeated itself a few times before I realized that mama was showing her chicks how to find yummy treats in the dirt and in the process was "felling" my corn.

This petite mama hen was not just a great teacher for her babies, but she was also their staunch defender. Our springer spaniel, Lady, was not allowed in the garden. Her digging would result in more than just a corn stalk laid down in the dirt. But, being a bird dog and not being blind, she knew those chickens were out there—unfair, in more ways than one.
One day, alerted somehow to a crisis, I ran back to the garden to find that Lady had cornered mama and her chicks in the little chicken coop. This mama had those little ones tucked up under her wings ready to give her life for them. Thankfully, she didn't have to.
As praying mamas, through our prayers we tuck our children under the wings of the One Who gave His life for them and now lives to intercede for them.
Israel's King David knew the Lord as his shelter from the enemy. He wrote in Psalm 61:4 that he trusted in the shadow of God's wings. The word, "Selah," that follows this verse suggests a pause to let these words sink in to our thinking.
The writer of Psalm 91:4 echoes David—"He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler." NJK
The Hebrew word for wings in these Psalms is "kanaph," which refers to a wing, extremity, edge, border, corner, or even a shirt. In other words, it is a covering. And, interestingly, Gesenuis's Lexicon Help says it can refer to care and protection, even such that an army gives, as seen in Isaiah 8:8.
My little hen was just one mama caring and protecting her babies. We know we would do just that for our children. But I can't help but think that giving them the care and protection of an army of praying moms is even better. Those moms' prayers take our children to our Great Intercessor where refuge is found in the shadow of His wings through His precious lovingkindness. (Psalm 36:7)
I am so thankful for the many moms who have prayed for my children these past almost 21 years in Moms in Prayer groups. I am confident that my God sees my children through those prayers. And I am assured that all those prayers are like an army battling for my children before the enemy.
"For You have been my help, and in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy."
Psalm 63:7

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