Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the night watches!
Pour out your heart like water before the presence of the Lord!
Lift your hands to him for the lives of your children, who faint for hunger at the head of every street.

Lamentations 2:19 ESV

Monday, March 10, 2014

Loose Boards and Collapsing Walls

We often travel by, actually through, this farm when we make a trip to visit my parents. On one side of the highway is the house and on the other is the barn. The south end of the barn has seen some hard weather. The wall has weakened and boards are becoming unattached to each other and to the side walls. It looks as if a strong gust would weaken it enough to cause it to collapse. Then, as you drive by, you see the other sides of the barn, especially the opposite end, appear normal.

Appear is a key word here. When one wall is about to collapse, it can't but not affect the others—especially the roof that covers the whole building. That one weakened wall allows the weather and other things in that can distress the whole structure.
Since we live in an agricultural corner of our state, we see a lot of these barns, many in different stages of collapse. Just recently, we drove by one being held up in one corner by a crane. And yesterday, we drove by one that had collapsed around last summer's hay. We could see on one end where the farmer had been trying to salvage some for his cattle.
You'd think the owners of these barns would take preventative action at the sign of the first weak board. But, just like a lot of us, farmers have a lot on their "to do" lists and procrastination brings on the inevitable.
[Photo from Internet posting on Pinterest]

We moms can have "to do" lists longer than our arms. True?
When Fern Nichols was spurred by the Lord to begin the ministry of Moms in Prayer International, she said, "I was busy being productive in many wonderful things, but I wasn't doing the best thing—spending consistent prayer time with my Heavenly Father." She testifies that God in His grace, allowed her to see that her priorities were not right. (Moms in Prayer International Booklet)
It is all about priorities and living wisely. It is about paying attention to loose boards and keeping walls strong.
Remember Nehemiah? He had great sorrow when he learned that the walls of Jerusalem were broken down leaving his people in great distress and reproach. Without the walls, the city was open to the enemy, defenseless. (Nehemiah 1) But he didn't stay in sorrow or just add it to his long "to do" list. He acted. The rubble and brokenness were removed and the walls were rebuilt.
What walls are falling or have fallen in your child's life?
It's time to take action. Stop the enemy from coming in to take down the whole structure. Arise and rebuild. PRAY!

The God of heaven Himself will prosper us;
therefore we His servants will arise and build.
Nehemiah 2:20 (NKJV)

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