Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the night watches!
Pour out your heart like water before the presence of the Lord!
Lift your hands to him for the lives of your children, who faint for hunger at the head of every street.

Lamentations 2:19 ESV

Monday, October 28, 2013

Praise as a Garment

Have you ever thought of praise as a garment?

God's Word in Isaiah 61:3 speaks of praise in that manner. Isaiah wrote that it is the Lord's desire is to give us the "garment of praise" in exchange for the spirit of heaviness.
The Hebrew word translated praise is tÄ•hillah. It means praise, song or hymn of praise. It is the kind of praise that is voiced, not just thought. The Amplified conveys it as, "…the garment [expressive] of praise…"
The word for garment in Hebrew is ma`ateh, which literally means a wrap or mantle. Since this is its only occurrence in the Old Testament, that gives it significance. Matthew Henry commented, "The garments of praise, such beautiful garments as were worn on thanksgiving-days." His words made me recall of growing up when it was the tradition to dress up for Easter (Resurrection Sunday), a day of celebration and thanksgiving. One year, all six of us girls had new matching lilac-colored dresses with little jackets and flowery headbands. We were dressed to celebrate and our clothes certainly let that be known.
And, isn't it true that what you wear on the outside seems to have an effect on how you feel on the inside?
As I thought on these words, I was watching trees dressed in their autumn glory being shaken by the wind. In response, the "voices" of those golden leaves sounded like applause. It was as if the trees were wearing garments of praise.

Isn't that what can happen with us? When the wind of the Holy Spirit breathes on us, we can choose the applause of praise to the Lord even when the forecast is bleak. Even when He strips us down to our bare "bones," like the fall winds do to the trees. We can still give praise because we know the resurrection victory is ours. We know that no matter what the winds of time bring to us, eternal life and glory are just a "moment" away.
Michael Youssef wrote, "We do not have to live with feelings of doubt and fear. We can opt to live a life of praise! … In times of praise, God becomes the focus of our hearts. We see Him as the source of our hope and strength. Praise changes our attitudes and prepares us for the manifestation of God’s power in our lives."
Praying moms, before you lay out all your burdens to the Lord, spend some time leaning back into Him through praise. Your sacrifice of praise will not only change your attitude but will change your perspective and prepare your heart and mind for the wondrous works that the Lord will do in answer to your prayers. Our God is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than what we ask or even think to ask of Him. (Ephesians 3:30)
"I will sacrifice a voluntary offering to you; I will praise your name, O Lord, for it is good." Psalm 54:6



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