Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the night watches!
Pour out your heart like water before the presence of the Lord!
Lift your hands to him for the lives of your children, who faint for hunger at the head of every street.

Lamentations 2:19 ESV

Monday, October 21, 2013

Secret Ingredient to Unique Tone

Archeological discovery of closely timed volcanic activity, happening over just a few decades, may be the root cause of the Medieval Little Ice Age, which is, as Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell writes, "Memorialized in the paintings of ice skating on London’s Thames River during medieval yearly freezes that lasted until 1804… [and] by famines and death throughout Europe."
But, then, she added, "On an ironically happy note, the famed Stradivarius violins were produced by Antonio Stradivari during the Little Ice Age, apparently from the much denser-than-normal wood from trees that grew during these cold years, and the unique qualities of the wood are thought to have contributed to the unique tone of these violins."
Dr. David Whitehouse agrees, writing that "the long winters and cool summers of the period produced wood that gave the unique, rich sound of the Cremonese instruments."
The unique tone of these instruments was greatly due to weather which for many resulted in destruction. But for the trees that survived those difficult conditions of less sun and colder weather, their wood became "one of a kind" and was used to create extremely valuable, "one of a kind" violins.
Stradivarius Violin - Photograph from Internet Source
Similarly, it is with human beings. Trial and difficulty can strengthen us and grow in us unique qualities that make us one of a kind and give a unique tone to our lives.
Or not.
What makes the difference is our response to the trial and difficulty. That is the secret ingredient to produce the unique tone of our lives.
And, that is why, praying moms, that we must wrap our children in our prayers. As we see them go through trial and difficulty, we need to pray that our children will "Rejoice and exult in hope; be steadfast and patient in suffering and tribulation; be constant in prayer." Romans 12:12 (AMP)
Our prayers need to echo John's, "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way and [that your body] may keep well, even as [I know] your soul keeps well and prospers." 3 John 1:2 (AMP)
The Psalmist reasons—
"I know, O Lord, that Your judgments are right, and that in faithfulness You have afflicted me. Let, I pray, Your merciful kindness be for my comfort, according to Your word to Your servant. Let Your tender mercies come to me, that I may live; for Your law is my delight." Psalm 119:75-77 (NKJV)
Our prayers will assist our children to be like those trees that not only survived but were strengthened by decades of troublesome weather. Our prayers will help them not just overcome but triumph and come out better on the other side.

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