Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the night watches!
Pour out your heart like water before the presence of the Lord!
Lift your hands to him for the lives of your children, who faint for hunger at the head of every street.

Lamentations 2:19 ESV

Friday, May 30, 2014

Practiced Up

I love the song, "Yours Will Be," by Big Daddy Weave. I'm so looking forward to that day when we all gather together before the Throne to join together in praise to the One Name that is worthy.

What I love in this world now, though, are the times of praise with my fellow Moms in Prayer women.

This year alone we have praised Him as—

The God Who Hears1 John 4:6; Exodus 16:7-8; Psalm 69:3
The Lord of allActs 10:36; 1 Corinthians 8:6; Revelation 17:14; Philippians 2:9-10; Romans 10:12; Colossians 1:16-17
Always ReadyPsalm 46:1 (NLT); Jonah 4:2 (VOICE); Joel 2:13-14 (TM); Nehemiah 9:17 (TLB); Psalm 10:14 (GNT); Psalm 145:8 (NOG)
Our PurposeProverbs 19:21; Ephesians 1:11-12; Philippians 2:13
The King of GloryPsalm 24:7-10; Luke 19:38; I Timothy 1:17
El Olam—Eternal (Everlasting)—Exodus 3:14-15; 15:18; Deuteronomy 33:27; Nehemiah 9:5b; Psalm 45:6, 90:1-2; 93:2; Isaiah 26:4; Jeremiah 31:3; Romans 1:20; 1Timothy 1:17; Revelation 1:8, 18
Wise—1 Chronicles 28:9; Psalm 92:5; 147:5; Proverbs 2:6; 3:19-20; Isaiah 28:29; 55:8-9; Daniel 2:20-22; Romans 11:33-34; 16:27; Colossians 2:2-3; James 3:17
Just—Psalm 9:7-8; Romans 3:23-26; Revelation 15:3
Jehovah Jireh—Provider—Genesis 22:13-14; 1 Chronicles 29:12; Philippians 4:19; Hebrews 13:20-21
Faithful—Deuteronomy 7:9; Lamentations 3:21-24; Revelation 19:11
Perfect—Leviticus 19:2; Deuteronomy 32:4; Psalm 18:30; Isaiah 25:1; Hebrews 5:9
Defender—Deuteronomy 10:17-18; Psalm 68:5; Psalm 72:4
Understanding—I Chronicles 28:9; Psalm 147:5; Ephesians 1:7-8
Patient—Galatians 5:22-23; I Timothy 1:16; II Peter 3:9
Overcomer—John 16:33; Revelation 5:5; 2 Corinthians 2:14; Revelation 3:21
Refuge—Psalm 62:7; Psalm 73:28; Isaiah 4:6; Isaiah 25:4
Victorious—Deuteronomy 20:1-4, Psalm 20: 5-8, Psalm 118:15-16
El Elyon—Most High, Possessor of Heaven & Earth— Genesis 14:22; Deuteronomy 32:8; Psalm 47:2; Psalm 78:35; Lamentations 3:38
Counselor—Psalm 119:24; John 14:16-17; John 14:25-26
Wonderful—Isaiah 9:6
The Always Person—Psalm 2
Abba—Father—I Corinthians 8:6; II Corinthians 6:18; I John 3:1; Mark 14:36; Romans 8:15; Galatians 4:6; Malachi 2:10; Isaiah 9:6
The God with Everlasting Arms—Deuteronomy 33:26-28; Isaiah 40:11; Exodus 6:6
Jehovah Sabbaoth—Lord of Hosts—2 Kings 6:17; Luke 2:13; Psalm 103:20; Hebrews 12:22; Joshua 5:14
Warrior—Zephaniah 3:17; Jeremiah 20:11; Isaiah 42:13; Exodus 15:3
Fortress—Psalm 18:1-3; Psalm 59:16-17; Psalm 62:6; Psalm 91:1-2
The Word—John 1:1-18
Leader—Psalm 25:5; Psalm 143:10; Isaiah 48:17; Romans 2:4; 2 Corinthians 2:14
Savior—II Samuel 22:3; Psalm 68:19; I John 4:14
Worthy—I Chronicles 16:25; Psalm 18:3; Revelation 4:11

We began the year by praising Jehovah Shammah—our God who is present with usLamentations 2:19; Psalm 16:11; Psalm 31:20; Psalm 139:7; Psalm 68:8; Exodus 33:14

All these speak to His Name, Who He is in character. And every one speaks a reminder to those who proclaim His Name that this is our God. He is who He says He is yesterday, today, and tomorrow, forever the same.

I love how the author of The Living Bible, Kenneth N. Taylor, paraphrased this truth for his children to understand—

And the one sitting on the throne said, “See, I am making all things new!” And then he said to me, “Write this down, for what I tell you is trustworthy and true:  It is finished! I am the A and the Z—the Beginning and the End. I will give to the thirsty the springs of the Water of Life—as a gift!  Everyone who conquers will inherit all these blessings, and I will be his God and he will be my son.
Revelation 21:5-7 (TLB)

How is your praise going? Are you freely offering it? Or does it depend upon your circumstances of the day?
Stormie Omartian wrote, "When you get to the point where you can't keep from praising Him, then you are at the place you're supposed to be."
Let's not save our praise for heaven but speak His praises today amidst the struggles of life in this land of the living so we will be practiced up for the time of praise before the Throne!

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